ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.1
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
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Memory Model

With the support of multiple compute backends, memory buffers need to be managed differently depending on whether CUDA, OpenCL or a plain host-based buffer is in use. These different memory domains are abstracted in a class viennacl::backend::mem_handle, which is able to refer to a buffer in all three backends, possibly at the same time. Objects of type mem_handle are the building blocks of scalars, vectors and matrices in ViennaCL, see Basic Types.

The raw handles for each memory domain can be obtained via the member functions cuda_handle(), opencl_handle(), and ram_handle(). Note that the former two may not be available if no support for the respective backend is activated using the preprocessor constants VIENNACL_WITH_CUDA and VIENNACL_WITH_OPENCL, see Enabling OpenMP, OpenCL, or CUDA Backends

Memory Handle Operations

Each supported backend is required to support the following functions (arguments omitted for brevity, see reference documentation in doc/doxygen for details):

A common interface layer in viennacl::backend dispatches into the respective routines in the backend for the currently active memory domain of the handle.

Querying and Switching Active Memory Domains

The global default memory domain can be queried by


If the global memory domain should be changed to a new default, pass the new memory domain as parameter to default_memory_type(). For example, to allocate buffers in main memory even though OpenCL or CUDA are enabled, call


and all subsequent buffers are allocated in main memory unless specified otherwise.

A global change of the default memory domain is not thread-safe, hence one can specify the memory domain individually for each object holding one or more memory handles internally. Unless specified otherwise, such a mem_handle object creates its buffer for the default memory type. The current memory domain of a mem_handle can be queried using the member function memory_domain() and returns one of the values MEMORY_NOT_INITIALIZED, MAIN_MEMORY, OPENCL_MEMORY, or CUDA_MEMORY defined in the struct viennacl::memory_types.

The currently active memory handle can be switched from outside using the member function switch_memory_domain(). For example, to indicate that the memory referenced by a handle h, the line


is sufficient. However, no memory is created, copied, or manipulated when switching the currently active handle, because a mem_handle object does not know what the buffer content is referring to and is thus not able to convert data between different memory domains if required.

In order to copy the contents of a memory buffer in one memory domain to a memory buffer in another memory domain within the same mem_handle-object, the data type must be supplied. This is accomplished using the function viennacl::backend::switch_memory_domain(mem_handle, viennacl::memory_types), which takes the data type as template argument. Thus, in order to make current data of type float availabe in CPU RAM for a handle h, the function

viennacl::backend::switch_memory_domain<float>(h, viennacl::MAIN_MEMORY);

is sufficient.

If data should be transferred from one memory handle h1 to another memory handle h2, the function viennacl::backend::typesafe_memory_copy(h1, h2) is provided. It takes the data type as template argument and ensures a data conversion between different memory domains if required (e.g. cl_uint to unsigned int).