Files | |
file | amg_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of routines for AMG using the CPU on the host (with OpenMP if enabled). | |
file | common.hpp [code] |
Common routines for single-threaded or OpenMP-enabled execution on CPU. | |
file | direct_solve.hpp [code] |
Implementations of dense direct triangular solvers are found here. | |
file | fft_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of Fast Furier Transformation using a plain single-threaded or OpenMP-enabled execution on CPU. | |
file | ilu_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of specialized routines for the Chow-Patel parallel ILU preconditioner using the host (OpenMP) | |
file | iterative_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of specialized kernels for fast iterative solvers using OpenMP on the CPU. | |
file | matrix_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of dense matrix related operations, including matrix-vector products, using a plain single-threaded or OpenMP-enabled execution on CPU. | |
file | misc_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of miscellaneous operations on the CPU using a single thread or OpenMP. | |
file | nmf_operations.hpp [code] |
file | scalar_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of scalar operations using a plain single-threaded or OpenMP-enabled execution on CPU. | |
file | sparse_matrix_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of operations using sparse matrices on the CPU using a single thread or OpenMP. | |
file | spgemm_vector.hpp [code] |
file | vector_operations.hpp [code] |
Implementations of NMF operations using a plain single-threaded or OpenMP-enabled execution on CPU. | |