ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library  1.7.1
Free open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra and solver library.
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This tutorial shows how the eigenvalues of a symmetric, tridiagonal matrix can be computed using bisection. We begin with the usual header inclusions:

// System headers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// ViennaCL headers

The first step is to generate a suitable input tridiagonal input matrix in the function initInputData():

template <typename NumericT>
void initInputData(std::vector<NumericT> &diagonal, std::vector<NumericT> &superdiagonal, const unsigned int mat_size)
bool randomValues = false;
if(randomValues == true)
// Initialize diagonal and superdiagonal elements with random values
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i)
diagonal[i] = static_cast<NumericT>(2.0 * (((double)rand()
/ (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5));
superdiagonal[i] = static_cast<NumericT>(2.0 * (((double)rand()
/ (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5));
// Initialize diagonal and superdiagonal elements with modulo values
// This will cause in many multiple eigenvalues.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i)
diagonal[i] = ((NumericT)(i % 8)) - 4.5f;
superdiagonal[i] = ((NumericT)(i % 5)) - 4.5f;
// the first element of s is used as padding on the device (thus the
// whole vector is copied to the device but the kernels are launched
// with (s+1) as start address
superdiagonal[0] = 0.0f;

The main program is now as follows:

int main()
typedef float NumericT;
bool bResult = false;
unsigned int mat_size = 30;

Create STL-vectors holding the diagonal, the superdiagonal, and the computed eigenvalues:

std::vector<NumericT> diagonal(mat_size);
std::vector<NumericT> superdiagonal(mat_size);
std::vector<NumericT> eigenvalues_bisect(mat_size);

Initialize the data with the helper routine defined earlier:

initInputData(diagonal, superdiagonal, mat_size);

Run the bisection algorithm for the provided input

std::cout << "Start the bisection algorithm" << std::endl;
bResult = viennacl::linalg::bisect(diagonal, superdiagonal, eigenvalues_bisect);
std::cout << std::endl << "---TUTORIAL COMPLETED---" << std::endl;

Uncomment the following code to also have the results printed:

// ------------Print the results---------------
std::cout << "mat_size = " << mat_size << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i)
std::cout << "Eigenvalue " << i << ": " << std::setprecision(8) << eigenvalues_bisect[i] << std::endl;
exit(bResult == true ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);

Full Example Code

/* =========================================================================
Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Institute for Microelectronics,
Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing,
TU Wien.
Portions of this software are copyright by UChicago Argonne, LLC.
ViennaCL - The Vienna Computing Library
Project Head: Karl Rupp
(A list of authors and contributors can be found in the PDF manual)
License: MIT (X11), see file LICENSE in the base directory
============================================================================= */
// System headers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// ViennaCL headers
template <typename NumericT>
void initInputData(std::vector<NumericT> &diagonal, std::vector<NumericT> &superdiagonal, const unsigned int mat_size)
bool randomValues = false;
if(randomValues == true)
// Initialize diagonal and superdiagonal elements with random values
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i)
diagonal[i] = static_cast<NumericT>(2.0 * (((double)rand()
/ (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5));
superdiagonal[i] = static_cast<NumericT>(2.0 * (((double)rand()
/ (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5));
// Initialize diagonal and superdiagonal elements with modulo values
// This will cause in many multiple eigenvalues.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i)
diagonal[i] = ((NumericT)(i % 8)) - 4.5f;
superdiagonal[i] = ((NumericT)(i % 5)) - 4.5f;
// the first element of s is used as padding on the device (thus the
// whole vector is copied to the device but the kernels are launched
// with (s+1) as start address
superdiagonal[0] = 0.0f;
int main()
typedef float NumericT;
bool bResult = false;
unsigned int mat_size = 30;
std::vector<NumericT> diagonal(mat_size);
std::vector<NumericT> superdiagonal(mat_size);
std::vector<NumericT> eigenvalues_bisect(mat_size);
initInputData(diagonal, superdiagonal, mat_size);
std::cout << "Start the bisection algorithm" << std::endl;
bResult = viennacl::linalg::bisect(diagonal, superdiagonal, eigenvalues_bisect);
std::cout << std::endl << "---TUTORIAL COMPLETED---" << std::endl;
// ------------Print the results---------------
std::cout << "mat_size = " << mat_size << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i)
std::cout << "Eigenvalue " << i << ": " << std::setprecision(8) << eigenvalues_bisect[i] << std::endl;
exit(bResult == true ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);