PyViennaCL provides direct solvers for dense triangular linear systems.
The API is documented in ``help(pyviennacl.linalg.solve)``. In particular,
the solver to use is determined by the tag instance supplied to the ``solve``
LU factorisation is planned for a later release.
Here, we demonstrate the use of the direct triangular solver for an
upper triangular system; other forms and solvers are supported by the choice
of a different solver tag class.
import pyviennacl as p
import numpy as np
import random
# We want a square N x N system.
N = 5
# Create a NumPy matrix with float32 precision to hold the data on the host.
# Firstly, we create an empty matrix, then fill the upper triangle with values.
A = np.zeros((N, N), dtype = np.float32)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if j >= i:
A[i, j] = np.float32(random.randint(0,1000) / 100.0)
# Transfer the system matrix to the compute device
A = p.Matrix(A)
print("A is\n%s" % A)
# Create a right-hand-side vector on the host with random elements
# and transfer it to the compute device
b = p.Vector(np.random.rand(N).astype(np.float32))
print("b is %s" % b)
# Solve the system; note the choice of tag to denote an upper triangular system
x = p.solve(A, b, p.upper_tag())
# Copy the solution from the device to host and display it
print("Solution of Ax = b for x:\n%s" % x)